Maurice Farman

The second army aircraft type was a Maurice Farman, bought in France in 1913. It was numbered M.F.1. and was very similar to the Maurice Farman owned by Ulrik Birck, but used by the Royal Danish Navy.

The Maurice Farman was a pusher plane and proved a very stable flyer for its day. As a safety feature, all control cables were doubled up.

The plane had two elevators, one in-front of the main wings and one at the rear. Both were connected to the steering columns using push-rods, and moved when the pilot pulled the steering wheel back and forth. The elevator at the rear of the plane was unique in giving considerable lift.

It is worth noting that the control column of the Maurice Farman bought was arranged slightly differently than today. The rudder was controlled by the steering wheel on top of the column, and the ailerons by foot pedals.

At the center on the lower plane was placed a frame enclosed in canvas. The pilot sat at the front, well protected from the wind. Maurice Farman was the first biplane constructor to adopt full protection from the head wind. For training purposes, a passenger seat was fitted behind the pilot and was also equipped with a second set of controls.

An additional 3 Maurice Farman planes were built under licence at Tøjhusværkstederne in 1917. They were numbered M.F.2 to M.F.4. In general, Maurice Farman aeroplanes were equipped with Renault eight-cylinder 60 horse-power air-cooled engines. However, those build in Denmark had a variety of engines installed. A Chauviere Integrate propeller was mounted directly on the engine’s cam shaft. It was 9.8 feet in diameter, with a 5.2 feet pitch, and revolves at 850 r.p.m. The plane was a pusher configuration, and the engine was placed behind the petrol tank, which was at the rear of the seats.

The majority of Danish Army pilots up until 1922 were trained on the Maurice. The last was scrapped in 1926.


Construction: Wood and Canvas
Engine: 60 HP Renault, 85 HP R.A.W. Engine or 100 HP Mercedes in-line.
Wing-Span: 15.50 m
Length: 11.20 m
Height: 3.75 m
Weight – Empty: 450 kg
Weight – Laden: 690 kg
Speed: 82 km/h max
Flying Time: 3 hours


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